CI Pipeline with Drone and Kubernetes Runner using Gitea
In this post, we will create a new git repository on Gitea and create a .drone.yml file which will be the definition of our CI »
In this post, we will create a new git repository on Gitea and create a .drone.yml file which will be the definition of our CI »
From our previous post we've setup our Drone CI Server on Kubernetes, and in this post we will deploy a Kubernetes Runner, which will be responsible »
In this example, I will log to Loki using Fluent-Bit on k3s distribution of Kubernetes on my Raspberry Pi Cluster. I am referencing the documentation from »
In this post, we will deploy the Drone Server on Kubernetes, which will be based on ARM since my Kubernetes Cluster is running on Raspberry Pi's »
In a previous post I demonstrated how to use an NFS Server for persisting volumes using Kubernetes persistent volumes. In that example, we need to manage »
In this post I will show how I've setup my Nginx Reverse Proxy on Kubernetes and instead of mounting my configs to a persistent volume, I've »
In this tutorial we will deploy ghost backend with NFS Storage for our SQLite database and using a config map for our config.js configuration and »
In order to get TLS encrypted endpoints for our web services we need to have cert-manager to be installed to help with the issuing of certificates »
In this post we will deploy Kubernetes with k3s to a 6 node Raspberry Pi Cluster using Ansible. Im using the code from »
My Raspberry Pi Cluster was running Docker Swarm for the last 3 years and been very happy with it. Although Kubernetes is very trending, Kubernetes is »